CAISO Energy Emergency Alert; residents asked to conserve energy to prevent blackouts

Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has declared an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) today, Tuesday, Sept. 6, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. due to low power reserves and high demand for electricity on the California electric grid amidst the extreme heat conditions. 

CAISO encourages SCE customers across the region to reduce energy throughout the day to help avoid CAISO rotating outages. Consumers are urged to conserve power by setting thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, if health permits; avoiding use of major appliances and turning off unnecessary lights; and avoiding charging electric vehicles. Consumers are also encouraged to pre-cool their homes. 

At this time, CAISO rotating outages have not been declared, but could be declared at a later time. 

Rotating outages may begin in your area if the CAISO declares an Energy Emergency Alert 3 (EEA 3). EEA 3 is when CAISO is unable to meet minimum contingency reserve requirements and power interruption is imminent or in progress. Rotating outages typically last one hour. Currently, the following groups could be impacted if rotating outages are declared: Groups A063 – A073 (does not include Malibu). 

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